Friday, July 18, 2008

You Know You're Addicted-FACEBOOK EDITION


Top 25 Qualifiers WITH commentary!!!!

1) You converse with other people more on their 'walls' than in person ('s been done)
2) You go emo when someone takes you off their friends list ( I admit, I used to be like this, and it still bothers me when my friends count goes down, even by 1. I'm like WTF de-friended me?)
3) You ask people to join even though you know they won't use it (BOBBY!!!)
4) You get on facebook before you go to work, which puts you on there before 7am (that's me!)
5) You deactivate your account, then reactivate it, then deactivate, then reactivate it again...don't bother trying to leave (QUIN and Bony)
6) You stalk people that you are secretly in love with, the news feed assists in that. But hey, stalking on "Da Book" is not seen as "sketchy" do you...(rolls eyes)
7) You're married on facebook, but not in real life (What kind of shit? Tho I've seen it before, I just don't understand it).
8) You take pics just to put them on Facebook, then you wanna tag everybody and EVERYTHING (including inanimate objects) in the damn picture. (I DO NOT TAG, unless it's me or I want the tagged person to take notice of the picture, otherwise, you tag yourself!).
9) You are a sophomore/junior at your college, yet you have over 1000 friends there. How the hell do you know all of those people? Oh, wait! You DON'T! You friend people to up your count! Then you see these people in public and don't know who they are well enough to speak. I got the right mind to delete your ass!
10) You know about your friend's break-up before they can finish crying about it because of the little broken heart icon that popped up on the news feed.
11) You are routinely introduced to people and have to pretend like you don't know them. Uhhh....this happened a few times, but SERIOUSLY, just speak up for goodness sake!
12) You are pissed facebook is turning into myspace. MYFACE....BOO!!!! I prefer facebook pre-2007. It was a simpler time, when you had to have a valid college email address to join. I was ecstatic about joing in Nov. of 06 when I got my acceptance letter into UAB and was able to create my email/ID...but then, facebook got greedy, and now 10 year olds are friending me, and it's ANNOYING!
13) The only reason you check your email is to see if you need to check facebook. Guilty as charged!
14) You use the word "facebook" as a verb (i.e. I'm going to 'facebook' Brian when I get to the house vs. looking him up on facebook). I'm guilty of using "facebook" as a verb.
15) You are one of few people who use facebook chat (which is LAME!! And you are lame for using it...yeah I'm talking to you...YOU!)
16) Your profile has so many applications on it that it takes several minutes (more like 10) to load. Please get a life if your profile takes more than 2 minutes to load. I understand that you may have video/slideshow/ and bumperstickers. But that entourage shit is just UNECESSARY!!!
17) Your usual bed time has shifted by two or more hours because you are on facebook so much. GUILTY!
18) You use facebook mobile...UHHH why? YOU ARE ADDICTED, HANDS DOWN, IF YOU DO!! No message or update is THAT important!
19) You feel popular when someone tags you in a photo. It shows others that you do in fact have a life and that it's pretty fun!
20) You can't wait to poke, superpoke, or attack as many friends as you have with the werewolves, vampires, ninjas, and all them other bullshit applications! OMG! People...for real? I had some niggas try to get me with that shit. And it's hella annoying! Oooh I get burned up just thinking about it!
21) As soon as you meet someone in real life, you go home to search for them on the Book.
22) You affectionately refer to facebook as "FB", "Da Book [the Book]" or "CrackBook". ME!
23) You think wishing someone "happy birthday" on their wall is suffice. Uhh, I do this all the time. As U-U put it, "It's not official unless it's on facebook". The world has to know you care about this person. If you can't pick up a phone and dial/text, there's always facebook! Plus there's no excuse to forget because facebook reminds you.
24) You are disappointed when you click on a person's picture only to find that you can't access their personal info because you are not their facebook friend or in their network. I have my shit set like that for a reason. Too many random niggas and females friending me...NO!
25) You constantly do things to your profile so that you will show up in your firends' news feed more, and hopefully thier friends will see your name, and those who know you will become friends with you. It's a vicious cycle, I tell you. I'm sorta guilty!!!

If you have a facebook, you can NOT tell me that it doesn't get addictive at times, especially around the holidays! Hello, my name is Candice, and I'm addicted to CrackBook.



Eb the Celeb said...

I'm not addicted to facebook... but I am addicted to the Owned application on facebook... I am worth over a million bucks on that

and thx for the tip on bust your windows... I just posted the full version on Jonesin'