Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sometimes I be thinkin...Blogger Edition Pt. 1--AM I MY HAIR??!?!

SO, I did this thing on facebook a couple of days ago, where I posted my random thoughts for the past previous days...pretty cool responses from my tagged friends. Seems like I've been thinking what a lot of other people have been one time or another. In any event, this week has been one of INCREDIBLY LOW LOWS for me...(did I mention I feel like I'm being bitten by fleas as I type this?).

I had a hair crisis a few days ago...I went crazy, blacked out and started taking down my perfectly good kinky twists for no reason at all. I was SOOOOO gorgeous with them. Plus I KNEW I had a big week coming up and a probate to attend...still, something in me snapped and I started taking down my hair.

Now, for those of you who don't know...I was planning on going natural and was/still am in the transition stage. About 1/3 of my hair is natural, the other part is still permed...TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THAT MY HAIR LOOKS A HOTT ASS MESS!!!

I cried...and cried, and was frustrated and scared, and angry, and shaking. I was mad at myself for not thinking before I acted. I was literally contemplating suicide! Now I know y'all are out there like, "Girl, it's just hair"...but Y'ALL! I'm at a cross roads in my life....I grew up with pretty hair (for the most part)...Up until last year, my hair was almost to the middle of my back. The night before my probate, my prophyte cut my hair...and it looked good...and it grew back...

But then, at the end of last year I started getting glue-ins (weaves), and y'all, REAL TALK, I think that beautician CUT my REAL HAIR!!! I have substantial evidence to back up my theory. Since I KNOW that he layered my real hair with the weave, I'm thinking that when he got ready to style (and it was already late in the night, both times), he was probably tired and didn't really take the time out to notice what was MINE and what was WEAVE, therefore cutting off MY HAIR and WEAVE...cuz when I took the shit out I noticed my hair was MUCH shorter than it had been before I started getting weaves. But I kept this to myself, and thought that maybe I was being paranoid...

Well here I stand, nearly 3 months since my last glue-in....scissors have not touched my head (to cut weave in a style) since then...and my hair is SHORTER THAN EVER! I LOOK LIKE A BALD-HEADED WANCH!! My hair doesn't even touch the nape of my neck anymore...

Now don't get me wrong, I haven't had a retouch in almost 4 months (if not longer), so I know that this could be some of the problem, but I still think my hair is seriously damaged. But I realized through my hair crisis that going natural is not for me. I think I got caught up in the hype...but real talk, it takes a strong, determined black woman to do this. AND...YOU GOT TO HAVE THE HEAD FOR THAT SHIT! I am not knocking my natural sisters, but this one girl walking around my campus either does not take a comb to her hair (brush, whatever) or her head is SERIOUSLY mishapen and she might want to consider a relaxer...

But no, I really am jealous of natural women, and one day, Imma get like y'all. I thought it would be cool to try it out in my college years, you know experiment...but I have too much going on in my life right now, and going NATURAL is a lifestyle change, one I'm not quite ready to make.

It would have been perfect for me, because I don't favor heat in my head, and I don't know how to do ANYTHING to my hair, but put it in a pony tail or wear it straight down. That's why hats are my friends and I look damn good in them. But man, yeah...I just had to share that.

My mama has ALWAYS told me (and apparently her mother told her this too), "Your hair is your glory"...boy do I believe that now. I felt like PURE-D-SHIT last night at that probate. My homeboys still treated me the same, everybody still loved me and spoke, but I felt ugly. Hair doesn't make you who you are, but I believe if it's looking right, it definitely gives you self-confidence!! I never want to feel this way about my hair again.

Maybe when I'm 50, retired, and busy writing my 3rd book will I sit down and actually take time out to become a NATURAL woman...Natural hair is beautiful and I envy the women strong enough to rock the locks (and the fro...I LOVE THE FRO!!!)...I dunno...Imma get there one day, ladies...and maybe I just needed some guidance, but I didn't have I'm giving up and going back to hair crack on Tuesday. Don't hate me!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cassie...HO! This is NOT OK!!!

All I got to say is WTF?!???!?!?!?! And I will repeat myself....STOP TRYING TO BE DIFFERENT, CUZ EVERYBODY AIN'T ABLE!!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


My soror and friend put me on this dude's youtube channel from Montgomery. His Mr. Grind, and he's pretty darn funny!! He has an alter ego named Rico, and I want to show y'all this video...ENJOY!

Those fake "tears" were killing me softly...can you imagine kissing this Rico dude? HA! and then at the end of the song he's like he don't give a got damn that he fell! REALLY?!?! Anyhoo!! Hope you enjoyed it! Happy Thursday!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Thrill is GOne...but another one COmeth

It's been gone for a long time. He was a rebound, and I was just way too afraid to admit it. I didn't want him to know that a rebound is what he is/was to me...not saying that our relationship couldn't have blossomed into something wonderful, but it didn't. I wasn't ready for a relationship...with him, and he wasn't ready for me.

The one who I want to be ready to be with me is somewhere in North or South Carolina...I forget...I might see him in 3 or 4 months...but by then, a lot will be different.

I am moving into my first real apartment with a soror of mine on the first of May!!!! I am so excited! Talk about "Miss Independent" and "She Got Her Own"...but aside from me being able to pay my own bills...I don't want to be Miss Independent...I am in need...of companionship and love from a MAN...not a little boy pretending to be a man.

I try not to let my situation from last year with ole boy interfer with my here and now...but point.blank.period...I let the new dude know that I was ready for the real deal...his lack of interest and communication when HE GOT ME was, "turnin me off" the words of Keri Hilson.

See, what he didn't know, but I've always guessed about myself, is that I get bored with dudes easily, especially if we don't really have that strong of a connection. That's why dudes who are actual FRIENDS first usually last longer with me. I don't know if that's because they know how to deal with me, how to keep me interested...or what?

But the new dude...hmph...I could give a laundry list of things I think he needs to work on...but I won't go there,because I'm not about pointing out the faults of a jilted lover...anymore (cuz you know I did it with ole dude)...but I'm done...I'm trying to focus on why I DEADED the situation...

Because he still wants to be with me...but...

I just don't want it. And I can't and won't force myself to fall for him again. He should have builded on the connection we had from the start and made it strong. Instead, I was ignored and neglected until it was convenient for him to communicate with me...Oops, there I go...

But yeah, I just don't see it working out. My patience is thin (already) for guys younger than me. The only "younger" dude who will ever get a second chance if God warrants it, is THAT BOY (hopefully MAN, now). I have been let down on countless occasions by guys who were not on my level mentally and emotionally. I always got hurt in the process.

The difference with my situation today is that I probably messed the new guy up, might have even broken his heart...I sure hope not, because not much time was vested into the relationship. Who am I to judge how quickly someone falls in love, though? But real talk...with me...I'm his prototype...I think I'm everything that dude wants in a future wife/soulmate. He's just not ready to deal with someone of my caliber (not tooting my own horn, just stating that we are on two different levels, ALL TOGETHER). I'm the kind of love that he seeks in a relationship, I possess the understanding and maturity, the patience... I got it all...BUT he's not ready and still into playing childish games (phone-tag)...

I'm ready for the real mom was married at the age I am now...yes, things have changed, BUT DAMN! I should have stayed with Zay...*thinking* NO the hell, I shouldn't have...but had I, I would have been knocked up and working on child #2...

Anyhoo...quick anecdote. So I was talking to the guy the other day. He called me first, I was unable to answer so I called him back a couple of minutes later. We talked for a minute, but then I told him I had to go (I was in the middle of handling important business). So we get off the phone and I immediately get a text from him saying something to the effect of, "I want to fall in love with you so badly, but I'm just so afraid". I told him that neither one of us are ready for that...especially with EACH OTHER. He replied, "We could have been, but I feel like you don't care". I was like WTF, and said (basically) that the initial connection between us had been lost and that I was in no mood to fight to re-establish it (cuz it would have been feeble attempt #4), and that I could not force myself to start liking him again....

He did not respond...just cut the conversation off just like that (not fighting for that "love" he wants AT ALL)...and that was the end of it, but I didn't care, I was like "Oh well". But since I had told him I would call him back later, I kept my word and did just that. It was around 12:30am...I called and he didn't answer...(which would often happen). 3 WHOLE days go by without him returning my call (remember, I was just tryna keep my word, but I kept this in mind because he tried to throw some shit up in my face about me not calling him the previous week).

So Thursday morning, at 3am, I'm lying wide awake thinking about ole dude. Not so much on a romantic sense, but just wondering how basic training is treating him. And well to be totally honest, I'm still not over him..completely... I get a little emotional, and that Whitney Houston song, "Why does it Hurt So bad" starts playing in my head. I start to shed a few tears. I rolled out of bed and signed onto facebook and changed my status message to read:
"Shy can't sleep...I miss him so much". Tell me why not 2 minutes later did new guy respond saying, "Tell him how you feel. He might feel the same way". HAHAHAHAHA!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

Then he proceeds to call my phone twice and left a voicemail after the last call...ummmm....... can call me when you ASSume that my status message is about YOU...but you couldn't return my fucking phone call when I was trying to reach out to you 4 days ago? HA! I wasn't even TALKING ABOUT HIM!!!! Is he really that oblivious, and full of himself, thinks he's king shit, and got it going on so much that my status would be about him when we haven't been on good terms for a WHOLE month, and I haven't heard from him in 3 days???

He is not the end-all and be-all of my relationships...I still think about a LOT of my past relationships...I recall the good and the bad. And the thing about me and ole dude is that we had history. We were friends FIRST...I've known him for almost 3 years, and from jump we I mean...of course I miss talking to him everyday and having so much in common...and laughing at his corny jokes, and listening to his stories....*sigh* the good (most of the time) outweighed the bad...and he had potential to be THE ONE, ya know...?

But yeah...that ends my anecdote...But I'm just like...was new dude really serious? I thought about returning his call...but what for? Call me hypocrytical, but I honestly have nothing to say to him, and I don't want to open up a can of worms. Telling him that my status was not about him, making up a lie to cover my ass...I mean, shit...I don't owe him ANYTHING!!! He's the one that wants to be in love "with me" so badly... I'm trying to do everything but spell it out for him that "I- DO-NOT-WANT-YOU"--you know...I'm trying to let him get it on his own...but it's not clicking. *sigh*

If he decides to call me again...which will be in the next week or so....maybe...then I will make sure he's clear on the finale' of our "relationship"...I can't keep up this sherade. Again, it wasn't fun while it lasted. He's a good dude, just not for me...not right now.

SO... in other news...haha...say a few prayers for me that I get a job so my place in the apartment will be secure!!!! God keeps blessing me, so I gotta stay open-minded about my options! Peace and blessings to you all!!!