Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I tried to tell you.


Just a random thought for today. Remember back in early November when I was trying to tell you about that crush? Remember?

Well, don't say that I didn't tell you/warn you/what have you when things are out in the open and in plain sight. I mean, isn't that what friends are for? And the moment I try to let you in on a significant event/moment of my life, VOLUNTARILY mind you, you shut me out...(denial or jealousy or both?)

Because, CLEARLY you didn't want to SEE it then and chances are you won't want to see it NOW or whenever things come to pass.

So you can try to say I never told you, but the truth of the matter is that I did. You just blew it off. So who's really at fault? At the end of the day, my business is my business. What I choose to keep under wraps is my perogative as it is yours to do the same.

No hard feelings, just reminding you that I mentioned it, and was met with a cold demeanor and a questions asked. And that was just the beginning. Things are TOO far gone now to even try to explain the complexities of the situation...a situation that will be embarking on the one year mark this fall.

There's nothing to tell, other than I tried to tell you.