Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Check it out

So, photobucket was being a bitch last night. I have no way of uploading pictures at work, so I'll try again later tonight. I took some really good pictures, and I'm thinking about taking photography up as a hobby or something.

Anyhoo...I basically ran down the first day of vacation for you with the "*Sigh*" Post. I think it'd be more appropriate to run down the vacation's events with the pictures I took that day, so as soon as I get all 120+ pictures up, I will run down with the stories. Monday was a hot-drama-filled mess!! But we looked cute tho!

For today, I'm going to post a meme I saw on Eb the Celeb's awesome blog. I love the vibe of that place. Sometimes I just go over there to chill and end up staying all day...but's the meme thingy.

1. How many people have you kissed in 2008 that actually meant something?1
2. Were you happy when you woke up today?better today than I was Monday or yesterday. It’s hump day, and that means 4 more days til I move back to freedom.
3. Do you hate the last person you kissed?No. Quite frankly, I think he may be the 1st person I fall in love with
4. What are you listening to right now?the sound of trucks and cars passing by my office building
5. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?Yes
6. What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?a bunch of shoe boxes, old papers, toys (from my child hood, okay!), dust, dead roaches, lol
7. What are you wearing?black pants, a stripey green, white, and black dress top, and some black pumps
8. Are you texting anyone right now?naw
9. Do you like anyone right now?yes
10. Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?Unfortunately, NO
11. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?yes. But I think I’ll pass
12. What can't you wait for?the 17th so I can move back to Birmingham and be on my own again
13. Have your parents ever smoked?No
14. Do you want someone back in your life?No, because I feel like, if the person left voluntarily they don’t need to be there in the first place. If they were taken from me, it happened for a reason
15. Who was the last person who called you? The Russian
16. Are you good at giving directions?Not really, but I’m good at following them
17. Would your parents be mad if you got pregnant /got someone pregnant?Yeah, it’s not something they want for me right now.
18. Rent a movie or go to movies?Going to the movies tonight as a matter of fact
19. What did you eat last?a Nature’s Valley Peanut bar…I’m addicted!

20. Has anyone told you they missed you lately?No, though I wish that person would. Maybe if I tell them first…
21. Is your ex still in your life as a friend?I don’t know where that fool is. Last I heard, he moved back to Atlanta and is a homeless bum
22. Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?No
23. Would you ever steal someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend?No. Karma is a bitch
24. Mountains or the beach?beach
25. When was the last time you cried?For real for real, August 3, 2008 when I found out my boy Mario passed
26. Who's someone you miss?Mario Morgan. And I’ll never get to see him again...
27. How many times have you been in love?what is love?
28. How many times have you had your heart broken?I believe you can have your heart broken and not be in love, but maybe that’s just getting your feelings hurt…in any respect, I’d say twice…once it was shattered. It was healed, then someone came and disappointed me sorely, but it has since began to repair itself…
29. Do you hate people who are obsessed with things like High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and The Jonas Brothers?Liking them is one thing. Obsession is another. It’s annoying as fuck, that’s all I’m gonna say. And those Jonas Brothers are UGLY!
30. Have you ever spread a rumor about someone?Maybe…
31. Did you French kiss before you were 16?I was 15…lol
32. Who is the first person you think of when someone asks you who you like?The Russian
33. Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?Yes, once upon a time…lol and Kevin is his name-O.
34. Do you prefer to call or text someone?Depends on my mood. Texting is good to get a feel of if someone wants to talk…whereas if you call, you get shut down automatically if that person doesn’t feel chatty…
35. Were you bad in high school?No…I was good and different…but in a good way.
36. Would you take any of your ex's back?No. I can’t handle whiny, clingy dudes, and I can’t deal with people who ain’t bout shit and ain’t goin nowhere in life.
37. Do you cry over girls/boys?It happens…
38. At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender?Kindergarten
39. Are you happy with your love situation?Sorta…I can’t complain. I’m taking things slow with the hope that everything will work itself out. I just hope we don’t get tired of each other and start looking elsewheres this fall…we go to different schools. And eye-candy abounds in the form of FRESHmeat…
40. Last boy/girl to hurt you?The Russian, but things have since improved
41. Would you fail your drug and alcohol test?No because I don’t do drugs and I don’t drink…
42. Who's your favorite person to cuddle with?I haven’t cuddled in a WHILE….so I can’t answer that question honestly right now.


Eb the Celeb said...

Aaawwweee missy thanks for the love... glad you find comfort in my craziness...