Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Side bar

Just a note to say that I am taking an indefinite hiatus from STG...tired...I need new direction and focus. I need a muse, and I don't have one...Mike is gone...I need a break!

My twin has a diary blog. I will post with her. Can't say everything I wanna say on here, like I used to be able to. A new day has dawned.

I will be back periodically if I get the urge to drop somethin...changing the "P.O.W." in the side bar. Check it out...

Life is funny. The toughest teacher in the world. And it's always showing you what you in fact, KNOW is true, but don't wanna believe.

Today is a new day and my focus needs a dramatic shift. I'm headed in the right direction. Just need some guidance.

I drop lines over at every now and then. So if you find me on there....I write from time to time, lately, more frequently than over here...

School is what's most important. Other things come later.

The Lord is my Shephard...I need to get right! I have issues that need to be resolved. I need ME time. I need...prayer...

Constantly fighting urges to do wrong. Lord, please get me to the 17th aka the "light at the end of the tunnel".

This is it for my ramblings. It for STG posts for a while. I will return....when I'm good and ready.

Good Day!